Nov 23, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Thanks, Corbett for your vulnerability. The word 'time' kept coming up and I'm wondering if your answer is connected to it. Do you want to know if we have time (or interest) or is this really about your time (or inclination). We can be easily polled but getting to your reasons might take more thought.

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This is a great question. I think it's a combination of both, honestly. Also after having been committed to a community for 10 years, I think I'm reluctant to start a new commitment just yet.

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Totally agree, if you find your own fuel people are attracted to it and want to come along for the ride

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I thought this was a good clarifying question.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

I recently joined a community via another Substack. A writers group with a connected Discord channel. To be honest, I’m not much of a joiner and find the ritual of keeping up and all the commenting quite exhausting. It takes me away from my writing and artwork. I tend to favor books and helpful newsletters over podcasts and social media communities.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

I second that. I don't like to be transient, but rather, stick around for the long term. It's an investment of my most limited resources - time and attention - so the breadth of my community engagement is narrow. It's basically Seth Godin, Corbett, and a few fellow creators in the photography/film-making spaces.

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Thanks for the feedback John! I'm not much of a commenter myself, usually more of a lurker.

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Me too. Communities can definitely add value for people, but they also require a lot of work for the moderator. Whichever direction you take, much success.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Thanks for the vulnerability Corbett. Your emails are a highlight in my inbox; I only subscribe to your email and James Clear's 123. That's it. You're a darn tootin' good writer :)

AND I rarely comment on ANYTHING online. Except for your damn posts...I can't seem to help myself.

I would love a podcast from you, hopefully with the same insight and intelligent content. I love podcasts because they make otherwise wasted driving time somewhat useful. Right now I kinda feel guilty about spending time writing an online comment when I really should be working. But driving time is different. Anyway, I know you will figure it out and I look forward to whatever you do.

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I appreciate that Leah, and I'm honored :) Really happy to hear you're intrigued by the podcast idea. I've been listening to a ton of new podcasts lately and they're filling my gym time perfectly.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

I'll second that. Your podcast episodes - every one of them - has been pure gold, Corbett.

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No. You are spot on. In fact, earlier today, before your email even hit my Inbox, I thought, "Man, Corbett is a genius. Maybe I should do that. To be able to just write. On anything. THAT is the life."

I just launched an online community. I am not saying it is a life sentence. But, my time is absorbed with supporting that to include videos, podcast episodes, and articles. It never occurred to me that I could just write on all the other stuff I find interesting.

While we are being honest. When I read today's article, I was distracted b meetings all day. I didn't care for the article as a result. I wondered, "how much am I paying for this?" My internal conversation concluded with, "twelve bucks? Oh. Ok. Totally worth it."

I did come back to your article with time and less stressed and enjoyed it. Obviously, since I am here commenting yet again. If you want my advice, keep doing what you are doing.

I do hope. However, you simplify the authentication process.

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👍 I'm very intrigued by the idea of "just writing" or "just writing and podcasting." Thanks for the comment Darol!

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I have a side hustle I was debating continuing, but felt like content for it was a real drag. I started an experiment, creating satire articles and just doing an affiliate link in the P.S section. It was addictive and the opposite of a drag! Now I have to see if anyone in real life likes it, or just me 😂 I also have a substack for my freelance biz. The cool thing about Substack is it's a blog, newsletter, podcast etc in one... so you can just play around to see if you or your audiences have preferences 🤷‍♀️ I've played with long form so now gonna try another medium within the platform. The most useful thing I've found to combat doubt or tryna choose is just to experiment. Don't have to announce it to anyone, just avoid pigeon holding yourself while you tinker.

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Definitely agree with tinkering. The general advice is to "focus on one thing", but that can quickly lead to burn out and being too emotionally invested.

I've accepted, that at least for me, I need to be working on a few different projects at once to give myself enough variety/distance. In my case, they're currently all climate change related, but address it from different angles: action, mental health, and art. Only the action one is live right now, the mental health MVP is nearly live, and the art is still just an idea. But it's been fun switching between them and I feel waaaaay less pressure than when I only had the action one!

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I'm the same way – I enjoy having multiple projects going more than focusing on just one.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Just what I needed to read today. Thank you for sharing this documentary - I don't have Netflix right now so wouldn't have come across it organically and love your reflections and connections on vulnerability.

As for building online communities, I think they will exist in one way or another as we need to connect and find our tribe online & offline where we feel safe, heard and understood. I do believe we are going through a new season of growth in terms of what social connection looks like online and would be a great time to explore it if it feels right for you!

Here for writing and the vibes as always.

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Good point about the season of growth/change happening online. I'd love to identify something truly innovative and useful to focus on.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Thanks for sharing, Corbett. Stutz wasn't really on my radar, but now I'll have to check it out.

As for the newsletter and figuring out what to do in terms of a community or whatnot, I'm reminded of the question "What would it look like if it was easy?"

Maybe you don't need a community at all. Maybe paid subscribers just get a virtual fistbump and the pleasure of knowing they're contributing to your expression on this medium.

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Great question. It's so easy to unnecessarily complicate things by doing too much. I'd love my next chapter to be easy and super impactful at the same time.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Thank you Corbett for this article. I watched Stutz on Netflix shortly after reading this and loved it. I am already planning to watch it a 2nd time, to show my girlfriend and with a notebook in hand 😄.

I really felt like Jonah being the one to bring his own therapy / therapist public gave the entire process a really welcome blast of authenticity, esp because we normally see Jonah as a comedian. His (very normal) struggle with mental health really reminds me that we are all human, famous or not, rich or not, it does not matter. Any documentary on therapy would be welcome, but to come from someone who is a very famous actor really powers up the message.

That said, anyway, stoked to read more of your community here. Don't quit yet :)

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Thank you for an excellent article. In the age of the Internet, radical transparency is required as its difficult to remake ourselves when all our personal details are our for display.

I've found when I'm challenged in making a decision, I readdress if I'm living my authentic self and living in the Now. Fear is the human condition when we focus on the future and/or past instead of the Now. We can't live with no thought to the past and future, but our decisions are made in the now.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

This was particularly valuable, Corbett - thank you. I echo your sentiments about Jonah. I appreciate your candor, too. As for paid vs free, I was (am) happy to pay you not so much for what's to come - or not - but for the value you've already given me all these years.

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😊 thanks Peter, I’m so happy to hear that.

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Always thought-provoking Corbett. I remember watching Brene at WDS years ago and how scary/amazing it was thinking about being vulnerable.

My vote for some of your content would be watch you build stuff. You've been an inspiration in my journey to build side-hustles and watching the ups and downs.

I have been really enjoying Brian Johnson's Philospher's Notes (and Heroic app). It's got some good summaries and lessons from books like The Tools from Phil Stutz. https://www.heroic.us/optimize/pn

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Thanks for sharing Corbett. I’ve been following you for quite some time through the fizzle journey. I’ve enjoyed HOURS of the fizzle show.

I love how thought provoking your articles are and when I think about your question about paid subscribers I am scratching my head as to what I really “need” from you. I’m not sure I would pay for thought provoking and as I think about more “practical” help it makes me lean towards something like fizzle as a resource.

I wish I had a brilliant suggestion but until then, keep the emails coming!

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This is great, I appreciate the honest feedback Steven. I'm happy to hear you got so much from the Fizzle show as well!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Hey Corbett,

I love reading stuff that has been written by you. It’s the only newsletter I read without exception - simply because your thoughts are well formulated and worth my time.

I would pay for in-depth articles or other stuff written by you. I don’t need to engage or comment that much to appreciate it.

I would pay for a weekly mail in which you link a bunch of stuff that you read this week and that you think is worthy of my time.

Your experience is obvious and it helps me to focus on what matters - thats the skill you have that I would gladly pay for.

Hope this is useful!

All the best from Spain,


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Thanks so much Leo! Really glad to hear I have a special place in your inbox :) Thanks for the links email idea as well – perhaps I should consider 2x emails a week, with different purposes.

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Great post, Corbett. I too struggle with so much of what Jonah shared with Phil. I was a Brene Brown fan for years. Your post hits the nail the head of the things that strangle the inspiration, work, and productivity of creatives and singularly drains us of our passion. You got things (re)started over here!

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Excellent! Good luck with the restart.

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Running a business has been the best personal growth driver I could have imagined. I have never been good at the whole vulnerability thing. Being a business owner made the problem much worse, and then made it much better.

I started a business 14 years ago believing that I needed to be perfect. Hiring employees did not improve the situation; now I was responsible for their “morale” too. I felt like I was performing all the time and it was depleting.

Eventually, I had to learn how to ask for help, how to recognize how much of this was about my own ego, to connect with other entrepreneurs who all felt the same thing, and to trust my own feelings. I still struggle with it, but I doubt I would have come this far without a business to force these changes.

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I feel the exact same way Sarai! I can't imagine I would be anywhere close to the same person if I hadn't built my own business. Personal growth is an underrated side effect of being an entrepreneur.

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Thanks Corbett for writing about Stutz. I ended up watching it as soon I read the opening paragraphs over you newsletter.

The concerns and fears you raise about what you do next are super relatable for me. I’m in a similar place where I’ve just started a YouTube channel and some of the doubt around whether or not I’m investing my time wisely into has been bubbling up lately. That plus uncertainties around some upcoming big life decisions has brought me angst as well.

But as far as your situation is concerned, continuing to write and share is something I would encourage you to continue to do. If building additional paid features takes away space from that, then it may not be worth pursuing.

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The uncertainty is totally normal Jonathan. I'll just add this – writing and sharing ideas with people online has been one of the most valuable (and valued) things I've ever spent time on, regardless of the direct outcome. Thanks for the feedback!

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