Sep 19, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Fizzle was so helpful to me when I was looking to leave corporate and start my own thing. After several fits and starts, I finally did it (albeit in a different way than I had originally planned). Thank you for all you have contributed in the past and all you will contribute in your new ventures.

Quick question re: Substack -- I was considering using it instead of an email platform like Convertkit or Flodesk, but was concerned about ownership over my list. Is that something I should be concerned about or is it a non-issue? Thanks so much!

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Hi Diane! I'm really happy to hear you're out on your own now.

Re: Substack, they have made it clear several times that you retain total ownership of your content and mailing list. From the terms of service: "First and foremost, you own what you create. Any original content you post, upload, share, store, or otherwise provide to Substack remains yours and is protected by copyright and any other applicable intellectual property laws."

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It absolutely feels like blogging in 2010. Well said. That's what won me over, as well. I'm a newbie again, and I like it. Watching you and taking pointers. :)

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I only have a couple of months on you here Jeff, so I'm no expert! Thanks for stopping by :)

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Wow, well first of all signing up for this platform sent me around in circles - it was painful!

That aside, you were the first blogging course I ever bought - Start a Blog That Matters! It was really influential and I followed everything you wrote and recommended. I think you had a guest post by Maneesh Sethi about how to get a guest post. I followed his tips to the letter and my first ever guest post was on none other than Darren Rowse's site - and you know how that ended (me working for him as his editor for 5 years).

I was also a Fizzle Alpha member, one of the first, what 200 or so, in the door. That was formative for me too because prior to working for Darren at dPS I had a part-time day job and I spent some of my office time there reading articles and courses on Fizzle (yup I was that employee but I was STILL way more efficient than the other guy doing the other half of the job we split - so I think he was doing the same thing and we just never discussed it! LOL).

Anyway, Fizzle helped me form my first Mastermind group with some amazing people that I still stay in touch with most of them. That group helped my business grow so much.

I owe a lot of my success to the fact that I found your site and followed you Corbett. I'm honored to have you as my friend as well!

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This warms my heart Darlene. It's been an honor and privilege to watch you grow and accomplish so much :)

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Aww thanks. That means a lot.

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Hey Darlene! It's been a minute :)

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NO kidding hey! How are you?

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I'm great! We just had a baby girl :). Would love to catch up sometime. Feel free to dm me on twitter or insta @tomrossmedia and we could set up a chat time.

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I'm not really on IG - email me. darlene@digitalphotomentor.com

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Corbett, you have always been ahead of the curve. What you started doing all these years ago in Mexico is now a world-wide rage, digital nomads. Good luck to your new venture.

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Thanks Felix! Who would have thought? :)

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Congrats, Corbett! The Fizzle podcast and being a member played such a big role in wanting to do life differently 8-10 years ago, so I'm grateful for what you and Chase put out into the world back then. So, thank you. It's also great to see what starting fresh looks like. I look forward to seeing what else you create!

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Happy to hear that Amanda! Thanks so much for the support and encouragement :)

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Just joined the paid sub so I don't miss a thing. I've been a fan of Corbett since Think Traffic. "Start a Blog that Matters" was the first online course I ever bought. :)

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Nice writing -I'm glad I found Substack, it's pretty cool!

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You are so right that entrepreneurship is a Lifestyle. I have had small ventures throughout most of my life - nothing as successful as yours - but they have kept me busy, engaged, enthralled, and led me to meet many interesting people. I taught my kids to think like entrepreneurs from the time they were young. Not necessarily to BE one, but to always think like one no matter what they are involved in. We'll see where that experiment goes. <G> Thanks for your writings! David

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Wow. What big and exciting news for you and your readers! I am always excited by the new things you create and this feels no different . Thank you for all you did for me )and so many others) through Fizzle and I look forward to continuing the journey with Starting Things.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Great to have you back! Can you also please talk about women and POC and what they are doing in this entrepreneurial space and self employed space. You’ve listed some amazing men but I’ve noticed that I’ve started actively seeking out womens stories/books/podcasts because I relate much more to their experiences and lessons. Thanks again, good to have you back in my inbox 😊

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Yes of course! Things have changed so much in the ~13 years since I started writing online. I follow many more diverse voices these days and I'll definitely share my favorites.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Thank you for sharing your journey. Fizzle helped me grow my small consulting business to a reasonable size that support my family and 30 others staff members.

Now I'm starting a new business, solo, I was thinking through who I need as a coach - Fizzle Podcast came to mind.

Almost 10 year on and the value in the Podcasts are still incredible and surprisingly relevant. I can only imagine the value that this will bring.

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Wow, that's amazing Richard, I'm so happy to hear about your consulting success. Please share feedback as the newsletter gets up and running – I want to make sure it’s at least as useful as the Fizzle podcast has been :)

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Very happy to join you as an annual paid subscriber, Corbett, and excited to see what you do here. I've recently returned to one of my great loves - landscape photography - and along the way, discovered I also enjoy making videos about it on YouTube. After a recent coaching session, I'm now working on positioning and packaging my message in a way that's consistent with who I am, what I care about, and what others like me might enjoy. Like you, I love new journeys. Here's to your newest adventure!

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Thanks so much Peter, and congrats on returning to something you love!

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Hi Corbett, so excited for you and congrats on selling the business! That's a big move, especially after 10 years. I hope you enjoy this next phase!

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Thanks Sarai! It feels like graduation day :)

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Love the new name!! So excited to see where this goes.

I'm on Substack too and love the way that it's a blog and newsletter in one. I'm growing quite slow cos I quit all socials in 2019, so not easy getting traffic... but it has still brought me new freelance clients #wins.

I'd love to see content around overcoming entrepreneur-specific mindsets. That has been my biggest hurdle to growth. But I'll read whatever you serve 😁

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Thanks for the idea Bernadette! I’ll also be writing about how to grow an audience without social media.

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Congrats on Starting Things, Corbett! I've been with you since the Think Traffic days (we even met in a Starbucks in Vancouver, WA once!), so I'm looking forward to following your next venture. I'm currently running a writing studio that provides subscription copywriting and UX writing: https://www.justcopy.co/ I launched after discovering I couldn't spend one more day at the zoo :) All the great insights you've provided over the years certainly helped me get this off the ground, so thank you! — Sara

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Hey Sara! I remember that Starbucks meeting :) Congrats on launching the writing studio. Yours is the first subscription writing service I’ve heard of, so I’ll be very curious to hear how it’s going sometime.

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Hey, Corbett! So glad to hear from you. Your newsletter couldn't have come at a better time for me as I've started up some new ventures for myself in the last two months. I'm starting to work as a brand manager for creators and I'm starting my own YouTube channel.

If you or anyone wants to check out what I'm working on, feel free to leave a comment and I'll share links! In the meantime, I'm looking forward to reading what you cook up on your newsletter!

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Congrats on the progress Jonathan! Thanks for sharing what you're up to. I'll have a spot for sharing links in our upcoming community features. Stay tuned!

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