Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Personally, I miss the online forums. I don't think chats work very well. They speed up conversation, but in practice I don't find that to be a good thing.

It's the same for me with live sessions. It's efficient for the broadcaster, but it's extremely inefficient for the viewer.

Honestly, I would rather pay you to have that information condensed and edited for me into a video or an article.

I'd much rather read comments like this if I want to, and decide myself instead of being forced to take part of every single Question like you do on a Live session.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

Forums are absolutely the way to go. They're less ephemeral than chat platforms like Slack or Discord, easier and more productive to search, and overall a stronger connecting force.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

I haven't used slack for awhile, but recently Discord had a major update which added forum channels for people running community servers. Though it probably won't feel quite the same as a standalone forum.

I enjoy the chats to get to know people. For taking in knowledge? Forums.

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I hadn’t heard about that Discord forum feature Jamieson. Thanks for passing it along.

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Thanks Ben - appreciate the feedback very much.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

You've echoed my sentiments to a T. Asynchronous discussion is far more efficient, in most cases.

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Thanks Knut, seems like plenty of folks sure your sentiment about forums.

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Hey Corbett! Just signed up for the membership here and am excited to see where Starting Things goes!

I'll just throw the hat in the ring for "Circle" for platform of choice. I think it offers some amazing functionality to take the best of community features and present them in a modern, "it just works" type interface.

I'm not a big fan of live-chat-forward type apps for this kind of thing (i.e. Slack, Discord), as it's just so easy to get lost in the muck.

Happy to provide further testimonials/thoughts on Circle or online communities in general.

Looking forward to connecting with more folks through your platform!


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Thanks for the feedback Mike! I like Circle as well. My hesitancy is probably just the poor reviews for the current mobile app. Also, the big benefit to Slack is that many people already use it day to day. But I agree, the chat/synchronous nature of Slack isn’t good for many reasons.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Corbett Barr

In my opinion, that poll won't deliver a conclusive result. It would have been easier for people to pick between the types of platforms, i.e. chat tool like Slack / forum / community platform like Mighty networks.

In my case, I don't know Circle, so I didn't consider it on my vote.

And personally, I find chat tools good for ad-hoc conversations, but also extremely chaotic and not a good choice to create long-term value/user-generated content.

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Thanks Christian, I appreciate the feedback. I agree, the poll question regarding platform choice partly just represents which platform people are familiar with. Circle is pretty great – it's much more asynchronous and has been improving quickly.

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I agree with you on Circle. I've used it for a fellowship I took and it's feature set / UX has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 9 months.

Specifically, I like the member directory and searchability component. While I use Slack for clients sometimes (only if they want me to use it), I find important information just gets lost and is difficult to keep track of. I'd find a forum software like Circle the most useful long term.

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